Getting A Lover Back - Tips For Doing It Right

Getting A Lover Back - Tips For Doing It Right

Getting a lover back can be a tricky proposition.  Come on too strong and you'll scare them off for good, or they'll consider you a backup plan and take their time having fun and trying to see what other options they may have, all the while you'll be writhing in pain as they date one person after another.  Or, come across as indifferent and they'll be convinced the two of you are over and they'll find someone else. Either way, you're screwed.  The good news is that there is a happy medium, a way to let your ex know that you still care and may be interested in a reconciliation without giving the impression that you'll be sitting around waiting for them to make up their mind.

If you don't want to seem pathetic, it's important that you cut out all contact with your ex.  Don't call, text, email, or just show up at their home or work.  Just leave them alone.  This is imperative if you don't want them to think of you as a sure thing, waiting on the sidelines.  And don't worry about them forgetting about you, if you follow this advice, they'll more than likely hear a lot about what you're doing from mutual friends.

The next thing for you to do is give up any dumb ideas of making them jealous.  Sure, it may work, they may get jealous but that doesn't mean that that jealously will make them want you back and even if it did they'd only be getting back together with you for the wrong reasons and the relationship probably wouldn't work anyway.

What you should be doing is living your life to the fullest no matter how hard that may seem right now.  Go out with your friends, have fun.  Do all the things you like to do but didn't have the chance to do when you and your ex were together.  Take this time to make yourself a better person, whatever that means to you.

Maybe you've been meaning to take a trip, what are you waiting for?  Go, explore.  This will help you in many ways: for one thing it will keep your thoughts occupied with other things besides pain.  Another benefit is that if you send a lot of postcards home to friends, your ex will hear about all the fun, interesting things you are doing.  That will intrigue them.  And lastly, you will expand yourself as a person. All new experiences help us to grow.  Every time we try something new and different, especially those things that scare us a little bit, make us better  more well rounded and interesting people. And that will help you in all aspects of your life, not just in getting your ex back.

Concentrating on living your life and trying to be happy is the best way of getting a lover back.  It may sound odd, but everyone is attracted to interesting, fun loving people.  No one is attracted to someone who seems needy and desperate. Which one would you rather be? 

Write the Perfect Love Letter

Click Here For Love Letters

"Make Your Lover Melt With These Romantic Love Letters That You Can Whip Out In Minutes - Whenever You Get The Urge Or The Situation Demands A Response!"

Do you ever wish you could write an exquisite love letter that would capture your beloved's heart? Read on to find out how fast and easy it is! 
  Date:   Thursday 8pm
From:  Jill Brennan, Relationship Coach

Dear Fellow Romantic,
If you've struggled in the past trying to write a love letter, THEN this may be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Because there's no doubt that...
writing your beloved a heartfelt romantic letter is one of the best ways to show them just how much you care!
But if you're like most people you struggle knowing what to write. Don't worry, you're not alone. Heaps of people get stuck when it comes to sitting down and putting their emotions on paper. It sure isn't easy.
How do I know?
Because I've been writing love letters to my husband for more years than I care to count (we've been together nineteen years so that gives you some idea that we're not talking a mere year or two!).
And I know when I started it was tough. I didn't even know how to begin. How do you put all these complex emotions that are swirling around in your head and your heart and get them to make sense on paper?
There's no better feeling than knowing that you are loved unconditionally and to me that's what love letters are about - they're solid evidence of a love that has endured and continues to grow.
But they not only help keep love alive in a relationship, they can stop misunderstandings and resentments from gathering strength and steamrolling into wide chasms. Whenever I get a....Read More Here

Does Love Help You Live Longer - The Real Answer

Does Love Help You Live Longer - The Real Answer

Does love help you live longer? What a great question! Statistics show that happily married couples live as much as five years longer than their single counterparts (with the effect being somewhat more pronounced in married men). Because it is so subjective, it is impossible to accurately measure love with statistics. However, with a cursory glance of the data, it seems reasonably safe to assume that love, does, in some way, lead people to spend a few more years among the living.

Everybody agrees that being loved is a wonderful feeling. Knowing that somebody cares for us is hard to explain in words, but it sure feels good! Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you smiled a little bit just now thinking about the people that love you. And though true love towards someone doesn't require that they love you back, I bet you just so happen to return love to those who love you most.

Loving others means you are unselfish when dealing with them. Caring for someone else's happiness and well-being takes your focus off of you and puts other people first. This can be a marvelous way to reduce stress that would otherwise steal years from our lives.

Another quick answer to the question "does love help you live longer" is, "hate sure makes you die sooner". Hating others only increases other negative feelings and stress. Have you ever felt a certain something pumping through your body when you hate someone or something? Your whole physiology changes. Besides, it's wasted energy, because those that are the subject of our hatred either don't care how we feel, or have no idea how we feel.

One more aspect of love and longevity is that love often gives us a reason to keep on living. Men and women throughout the world have survived horrendous situations (man-made and natural) only because they focused on seeing their loved ones once again. If that's not a testament to the life-extending power of love, I don't know what is!

The connection between emotional health and physical health is still not completely understood. However, there are clear links between the two. The human body is, in many ways, greater than the sum of its parts. Another way to look at it is if we are in prime physical shape, but are emotional wrecks, then we are not getting all life has to offer.

Let's be realistic for a moment, shall we? Love may not keep you from getting hit by a bus when crossing the street, but it can make recovering from such an accident more bearable. Even if love can't be proven to help you live longer, I know I would rather have a few short years of loving someone, instead of having several lifetimes without any love at all.

There are two easy ways to use love to increase the quality of life. The first is to show love towards others. That not only includes family and friends, but everyone you deal with in some capacity. The second way can be a bit trickier for some: allow others to love you. Keep the following phrase in mind as you go about your day, and see what a difference it makes. The phrase? "Let love happen".

Navigating The 5 Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup

Navigating The 5 Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup

The following emotional stages of a relationship breakup are only guidelines to help you navigate through a difficult time to a happier ending. What's important to understand is that even though they are uncomfortable, each of the following feelings are quite normal.

What follows are often referred to as the "five emotional stages of grief". Each of the concepts apply just as easily to a relationship breakup. The major difference is that some of the stages can happen while the relationship is still in tact.

The first stage is denial. There are plenty of stories about spouses and significant others who justified the odd behavior of an ex before a breakup.

"Oh, he probably got lipstick on his collar when he accidentally bumped into someone."

"She didn't call to tell me she was going to be late because she was too busy with work."

Those are two rather blatant examples that may not apply, but how about this one? "We don't argue that much, we just like to discuss our problems." Open communication is great, but not when it's used as an excuse for calling each other names and saying hurtful things. You have to make an honest assessment of your relationship if you want it to succeed, denial prevents that from happening. If you are able to recognize and correct things at the denial stage, then you may not have to worry about the rest.

Anger and resentment may be the most common of the emotional stages of a relationship breakup. You broke up, and now you're mad at your ex. Even if deep down you know it was mostly your fault, you find reasons to be mad at them. You have to let go of the anger and resentment before you can move on. Plus, it is much better for your overall health when you're not carrying around so much anger.

Trying to patch things up is a worthy goal, but resorting to negotiation (the next stage) isn't the best way to go about it. Here you will say and do anything to get your ex back. You will change, make promises, and do "whatever it takes". But you're not really thinking them through. More than likely they do not fit in with your character and will be impossible for you to follow through on. When you notice you're using the word "if" a lot, it's a sure sign you are at this stage.

Depression as one of the emotional stages of a relationship breakup can really pop up at just about any time in the process. You may believe that you could never love somebody the same way again, or worse, that nobody will ever love you again. Regardless of when it occurs, be willing to seek professional help if you need it.

The final stage is acceptance. It's just like it sounds. You have come to terms with your relationship and accept whatever has happened. You start feeling better (not necessarily great, but better) and are ready to start being yourself again.

Remember, these five stages are just a guideline. You may not experience all of them, and they may be in a different order and vary in their intensity. Now that you are aware of the stages, it will be easier to get through them if the situation arises.

Break Up Recovery Sucks - There Is Life After Your Breakup

Break Up Recovery Sucks - There Is Life After Your Breakup

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and as you start your break up recovery you can focus on how to get stronger for that next big relationship in your life. You may need to do a pulse check to make sure your heart is still beating, but more than likely it still is. While losing this relationship may have caused your heart to stop for a little while, it will beat again. While you are learning that your heart will go on, try focusing on some things that will help you from repeating mistakes that may have been made in your last relationship so you don't go through them again. Here are some things that might help you in the future.

Become secure in yourself. If you want to have a relationship that is secure, then try being more secure. If you need therapy then get it. Find ways to feel good about yourself and expect nothing but the best. If this new relationship is going to be grounded, it will need someone to be grounded in. Don't expect it to be the new person. Don't look for security in the new love. Look for it in yourself. Not only will this help you in the way you look and feel about yourself, it will help you look more attractive to others.

Responsibility should be shared. In many failed relationships most of the work is done by only one person. A good and solid relationship takes two people putting in equal effort. If both people are working towards the relationship's success then it will most likely endure. Look for and expect a 50-50 split in the load shared. This may mean more work from you and it may mean holding your new partner to a higher standard. In either case it is well worth it. If someone isn't working in it, you have to question just how important it is to them. If both don't see the value then there might not be much to work for.

Learn to communicate better and more lovingly. Communication break down is often one of the symptoms and sometimes the cause of a failed relationship. It could mean you learning to talk more or less. Train yourself to listen more. Ask for your new love's opinions on things and don't dominate discussions. Don't allow them to dominate your discussions either. You have a voice, use it to voice your concerns and feelings. A key to learning how to communicate better is in training ourselves to respond better. Does your initial response sound harsh or defensive? Your tone and word choice can make situations much worse than they need to be.

The key to having a successful break up recovery is to come out of it better, stronger, and smarter becoming more prepared for the next relationship. What will make the difference between success and failure is what you bring into the relationship and how you come into it.

How To Ease Depression After A Break Up

How To Ease Depression After A Break Up

To be blunt, breaking up sucks! And it's not just the feelings of loneliness that make it a lousy experience. Nasty things like guilt, pain, despair, and self-loathing can all seem to rear their ugly heads at the same time. Each of these emotions can derive from, or be the cause of, depression after a break up. The following thoughts will help you through it, and have you coming out the other side a new and improved you.

It is vital to realize that post-relationship depression is a very real problem. While that may not be a medical diagnosis, you must take it seriously, seeking professional help if needed.

Chances are your friends will try to cheer you up. But, let's face it, sometimes the things they say after a break up only make it worse. However, they can be a great resource to recovering from heartbreak, so be sure to take them up on any offers to help; assuming they fit in with your plans.

The main thing you need to do at this point is focus on taking care of yourself. You may not feel like eating, talking to anyone, or even taking care of basic hygiene. But you have to find a way to do it. Again, see a professional if these things start happening.

Though you may feel like it now, don't try to erase your ex completely from your mind. It's impossible to do so, and by trying to forget, you will actually be remembering more. You may want to get right back into another relationship to forget your ex (or to fill the void that has been left by their leaving). You just have to give it time. Do your best to avoid harmful rebound relationships, at all costs, as they can lead to a much worse situation.

One thing that really helps is to be around people. It may be difficult to be around friends and family that offer advice without understanding what you're really going through. The trick is to be social without having to deal with people that know you, your ex, or your situation. That's why volunteering for charities outside of your home is such a great idea. You don't have to worry about the excess emotional baggage, and you are getting rid of your depression after a break up and helping others at the same time.

While being around other people can work wonders, it's okay to enjoy your own company, too. Now is the ideal time to do things you have always wanted to do. Just be careful not to do things you associate with being a couple, at least at first.

A lot of depression after a break up stems from having too much extra time. How you use that time is key to your emotional well-being. You can use this time to make yourself more miserable, or you can use it to become a better, stronger, happier person. Admittedly, the latter choice isn't always easy, but it is possible...the choice is yours!

4 Simple Ways Of Easing The Pain Of A Breakup

4 Simple Ways Of Easing The Pain Of A Breakup

"There are plenty of fish in the sea."

Why does it seem that everybody feels the need to share that old saying with you after you have ended a relationship? I know it's their way of easing the pain of a breakup and while it may be true, it never has the desired effect. The good news is that there are some things you can do to start feeling better and move on with your life.

Let's face the facts. After a split, feelings get hurt, tears flow, anger surges and the thought of ever loving again seems like a remote possibility. I mention this because it's important to know that the ebb and flow of feelings after breaking up are normal.

Apart from time, the only thing that will heal the hurt is accepting things for what they are. Once you can do this, easing the pain of a breakup becomes nearly automatic. However, it may take a while before you get to that stage. Here are a few things you can do to feel better in the meantime.

Get out: Hiding yourself away is detrimental to the healing process. Go ahead and take a little time to be alone, but don't overdo it. Get out of the house as soon as you can and re-discover the things life has to offer. In the beginning it's a good idea to avoid the old haunts you used to frequent with your ex. Other than that, have a ball!

Stay busy: While you shouldn't try to completely ignore what you are going through, it's also not a good idea to dwell on it. Participate in positive or productive activities to give your heart and mind a rest. Clean the house, play games, go to the gym, or anything else that requires movement and some level of thought.

Laugh: It may seem impossible, you may even feel guilty about it, but go ahead and laugh. It is believed that laughter releases certain "feel good" chemicals in the brain. The more you laugh, the better you will feel. Easing the pain of a breakup is never a simple thing to do, but if you can smile and laugh you are well on the way to better days.

Seek help: What if everything you do to feel better just doesn't seem to work? When this happens get help from a qualified therapist, counselor or psychiatrist. They are there to help. More importantly, they are trained to do one thing better than the average person. What is that thing? Listening. Sometimes having a non-judgmental ear is all you need to start moving on.

Nobody likes to part ways with someone that's close to them. Even if you knew things were getting worse for quite some time, the actual split can be difficult to handle. There is nothing wrong with feeling down, but only to a certain degree. At some point you have to be proactive in easing the pain of a breakup. Using the simple ways mentioned above will get you feeling better much sooner.

How Do I Get My Husband To Love Me Again

How Do I Get My Husband To Love Me Again

How do I get my husband to love me again? Have you been asking yourself that question? As time goes by in a marriage, it's quite possible that both partners start drifting into their own little worlds, without realizing that they are also drifting away from each other. Although the change is usually slow, you might feel as if you just woke up one morning and all of a sudden things were different. All of a sudden your husband doesn't love you anymore.

And now you are asking yourself, how do I get my husband to love me again? Many women like you are asking themselves the same questions. Or they have asked themselves these questions and found the answer. While every situation and all circumstances are different, there are some common elements to "lost love" in a relationship.

But before we talk about lost love, first ask yourself, are you sure that your husband doesn't love you anymore? Has he told you so? If he's behaving strangely or acting different, this does not necessarily mean he is not in love with you anymore, although it most likely means he's also questioning himself about the matter. Before you go on trying to win back your husband's love, make sure that you have lost it in the first place, or your efforts may only backfire.

In many cases, in order to get your husband's love back, you first need to work on yourself. Have you been neglecting yourself and putting the needs of your kids and husband first? That's very common. Of course, your kids come first, but you also need to dedicate some time for yourself.

If you've put on some extra pounds, make a plan to eat more healthy meals or get in a little exercise, and take them off. Take the time to dress in clothes that flatter you and make you feel good about yourself. Go out with the girls every once in a while and let your husband take care of the kids.

Do what you need to do to get your "mojo" back. You may be surprised at how just a little bit of self-awareness will get you in terms of feeling more confident and therefore looking more attractive. As you're going through your make-over, try to distance yourself from your husband.

Of course if you are living in separate households, this is easier. However, if you are still under the same roof, just go on about your life in a detached manner. Don't be mean or cold. Be friendly and positive, but just minimize your contact with your husband.

This newer (really, it's the older) you will also spark more interest from your husband. This is the person he fell in love with in the first place. So, if you've been asking yourself, "how do I get my husband to love me again", start by asking yourself, "what can I do for myself now"?

Will My Wife Ever Love Me Again

Will My Wife Ever Love Me Again

If you've been fretting over the question " Will my wife ever love me again?", you are definitely not alone. Some men feel trapped in a loveless marriage. Others have already split from their wives but miss them terribly and want things to go back to the way they used to be. Whatever the situation, it is possible to bring back the love you once shared with effort, persistence, patience and time.

First of all, before answering the question of "will my wife ever love me again", answer this question: Has she told you that she doesn't love you anymore. If she hasn't told you this and she hasn't left you, then chances are she still does love you but is going through some other issues that are making her cold or distant. This is a different case than loss of love and needs to be treated differently.

But if you are sure that your wife doesn't love you, and you're sure you want her love back, there are several things you can do that may help you with this. First of all, you have to admit that your current situation didn't happen overnight. This is usually a very slow process that starts when communication breaks down and just continues getting worse. At some point, you will have to work on communicating again. This is what will keep your marriage and love alive. But it might not be the first step you take.

For example, if your wife has insisted that she just needs some time or space, then do not start going on about how you need to start communicating more. She will not accept that at this point in time. Instead, give her the space she needs right now. Don't ask her how much time she needs or give her a "deadline". Let her know that you are willing to accept this distance for now. This is an important step for many reasons.

First of all, it shows her that you are strong enough to let her go and go on without her for a while. Second, it gives her the chance to see if she misses your constant presence. Remember that you can give her space even if you are living under the same roof. Treat her as if she is a colleague at work. Be cordial and friendly, but not intimate. This distance works especially well if you have been begging, clingy, or demanding until this point.

That type of behavior tends to push people away even further. But now by doing the opposite, she can really compare what it is like to have you there for her and what it's like for you to be absent. This in itself is very powerful. During your time "off", make sure that you take care of yourself, eat well, exercise if possible, get enough sleep (even if it's on the couch), and take time to go out with your friends, spend more quality time with the kids, or just spend some time alone.

When you've gone through this phase, you can start with methods that will open up communication between the two of you and bring a resounding Yes! to the question of "Will my wife ever love me again"?

How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again

How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again

If you find yourself asking the question "how can I make him fall in love with me again?", you are already in a good position to turn the tables to where they were before, or maybe to even make your relationship stronger than it ever was.

Relationships take work and as the days, weeks, months, and even years roll on, many tend to slack off on their responsibilities when it comes to keeping their end of the bargain in a relationship. No matter who decided to end your relationship, or even if it was a mutual decision, it is probable that both of you played a little role in the "slacking". If you're asking yourself "can I make him fall in love with me again," you have probably already realized this and are now ready to make up for lost time.

The first thing you need to do in order to get your guy's love back is to take care of yourself, if you're not already doing so. Remove "him" as the first thought in your mind and replace that with yourself. Taking care of yourself means eating right, getting some exercise, taking the time to dress in flattering clothes that express your personality, going out with friends, joining some activities that you enjoy, etc.

This also means that you should not be contacting your guy in any way right now. This is your time to turn yourself back into an attractive magnet that will win back his love. This might also be the hardest part in the whole process. Even if you don't feel like going out with friends or putting on make-up, or whatever you need to do to look good and feel better about yourself, push yourself to "fake it 'til you make it."

You'll soon find that you are no longer faking it. Your new positive lifestyle will be a part of you and you will be getting back to the person your man fell in love with in the first place. Maintaining a distance from his will also help to peak his curiosity, especially if you've been desperately trying to hang on to him until now.

Once you're at a stage where you feel better about yourself and more confident, you can consider arranging a meeting with your guy. Make it something really simple like coffee. You don't want to commit to something to long and complicated in the beginning. If he declines the invitation, don't fret. Just wait a few weeks or a month or so and ask again. If he accepts, meet him and talk about easy stuff.

There's no need to get back into your old relationship battles or discuss anything at all related to what you once had. Keep your meeting short and you must be the first one to leave. Say that you have an appointment or another engagement and that it was wonderful to see him again. Those are the first two steps in the "How Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again" plan.

How To Make Him Love Me Again

How To Make Him Love Me Again

Have you been turning this question over and over in your head: "How to make him love me again?" Many times women wind up asking themselves this exact question, and don't even remember how they got to this point in the first place. What happened to that person who used to show you he cared and loved you? When did he drift away? Often the change takes place slowly and it is not caused by one incident or even many incidents, but a gradual built-up of hurt, frustration, anger, or other negative emotions that were never brought to the surface.

So, regardless of how you ended up in this situation, you are now asking yourself "how to make him love me again." The good news that it is possible for you to bring back his love towards you. How you do it will depend greatly on your particular circumstances and personalities. But in general, you will want to start with these two steps, if you haven't done this already: (1) give him some space, and (2) concentrate on yourself.

If you're feeling scared and desperate about getting your guy back, you are conveying that to him and, in most cases, this will only push him further away. Take a deep breath and let him go. If at all possible, avoid any contact whatsoever. If that's not possible, minimize the contact and keep it friendly but businesslike. This serves four purposes. It gives him some breathing room so he no longer feels trapped. It also gives him the chance to actually miss you now being around. It will make him curious as to what has made you let him go. And finally, it will free your mind to think about someone else. . .yourself.

Before you can win his love back, you need to make sure you love yourself. Take care of yourself by eating right, getting enough sleep, trying to exercise, and making time to do things that you enjoy. Go out with the girls every once in a while. Join a new club, sport, or activity. Spend some time alone or spend more quality time with the kids.

Whatever it is, dedicate yourself to this. This will help you find your inner self again--the one that you've lost a little bit with your relationship problems. You may have to force this step in the beginning but once you start feeling better and looking better, this new lifestyle will become more natural. Many who get to this stage actually decide that they don't even want him back.

They continue on this path or they end up meeting someone new who alignes better with their personalities. But if you do still know in your heart that he is the one, only now should you contact him. Now you are stronger and no longer unsure of yourself and desperate. How you proceed from here may vary according to your specific situation, but without those first two steps, you will not ever get the answer of "how to make him love me again."

Successfully Dealing With Ending A Relationship

Successfully Dealing With Ending A Relationship

Ever since people starting coupling up, they have been splitting apart. The earliest writings we know of (both secular and religious) talk about how to handle couples breaking up. And even though it has been going on for millennia, dealing with ending a relationship is has not gotten an easier. Hearts get broken, people get hurt, and it can be painful and confusing at the same time. Here are some things for you to consider, to help you navigate a relationship that's ending.

The first thing you need to convince yourself of is that the past is the past. It is a common tactic to try to purposely erase the memory of your ex completely from your mind. But, trying to forget it means you are focusing on it. In other words, you are turning the past into the present. By doing that, you can be sure that you are dredging up old, painful memories and that you will feel miserable in the process

As mentioned it's not easy, in fact, it can be emotionally wrenching and one of the toughest things to face as you go through life. It may seem impossible now, but you must let things run their course. Give it some time. They say "time heals all wounds", and though it's difficult and you feel awful, the saying is true. Keep this in mind as you're dealing with ending a relationship.

Another thing you must do is establish firm ground rules, especially if you know there will be situations where you are likely to encounter one another; work is one such example. Your best bet is to keep things as platonic as possible at first. Sure, there were good times, but you don't want to start talking about them immediately after the break up. You also want to avoid talking about the bad times, or whatever led to the breakup.

When dealing with ending a relationship, you may want to do your best to avoid your ex, but don't do this to the point of obsession. If you are trying too hard to avoid them, you are, in reality, giving them more power, and not dealing with your real feelings.

By the same token, you need to understand that the relationship is over, at least for now. Don't make the mistake of being overly friendly to show you are "back to normal". It will only make you look foolish or phony. You may also want to get back together, but you just have to give this some time. If you try jumping back in too quickly, you run a high risk of alienating your ex even further.

Perhaps you will never get back together, maybe you have no intentions of doing so, but it's always a good idea to get along with other people. Following the tips above will leave the door open to the possibility of reconciling, or, at the very least, not having your blood boil every time you hear of or see your ex.

How Can I Get Him To Love Me Again

If you've been asking yourself, "How can I get him to love me again?", you'll be happy to know that it can be done and you are by no means the only person who has ever asked themselves this question. Luckily, the success stories of getting back together with their lost ones can share how they did it with you; so that you can get your guy back too.

The first thing that you need to do to get your guy back is to get yourself back. If you are at the point of asking yourself "How can I get him to love me again," chances are you've also been asking him repeatedly, maybe even begging and hounding him. If that's you, that has to stop.

Your first step is to stop focusing on him and start focusing on yourself. Bring out your better self, not the begging, pleading and pathetic person you've become because of your troubles. In order to do this, you first need to promise yourself that you will distance yourself from your guy. If at all possible, you want no contact with him. If that's impossible because you work with him or you have children together that require you to come into contact, then just keep your contact minimal. This doesn't mean that you need to be cold or mean. If fact, it's just the opposite: smile and say hello and then just move onto what you plan for the day.

This is sort of like a detox period for you. An emotional detox. You've made the mental and, if possible, physical break from your ex. Now it is time to get back to the self-confident, lovable, attractive person that he fell in love with in the first place. This means taking care of yourself by eating right, not drinking too much alcohol, exercising, getting engaged in other activities, going out with friends and family, even throwing yourself into your work if that's what you love.

Force yourself to do these things. You may not feel like it at first, but as you start to look and feel better about yourself, you will see that you actually look forward to doing these things. And not only will you feel better about yourself, you will become more attractive to everyone else, including the guy you want back. Take your time with this step.

There is no definitive ending point here. It could take weeks, or it could take months. Dedicate the necessary time and don't rush it. You'll know when it's right to get back in touch with your ex. You will feel confident and sure of yourself. Ask him out for a coffee and take it from there. Don't bring up anything about your relationship in your first meeting and make sure that you are the one to end the time together by saying that you have another appointment or something like that. Now you are on the way to answering your own question of "how can I get him to love me again?"

I Want My Husband To Love Me Again

I Want My Husband To Love Me Again

"I want my husband to love me again" is one of the most frequently echoed sentiments when it comes to relationship mending. It's becoming more and more common that women are feeling lonely and lost in what they feel are loveless marriages. But they do not want to give up even if it appears that their husband already has. The good news is that there are many ways to fix your marriage, or any long-term relationship, and bring back that love you once shared.

Mending a marriage can be complicated and there are many strategies that you can take to go about this. The results will depend on your individual situation and circumstances, but there are some questions you need to ask yourself. First of all, you obviously feel that your husband doesn't love you anymore or you wouldn't be stating "I want my husband to love me again." But has he told you this? Remember that men and women think and feel differently. There could be a big difference between the way he really feels and what you think he feels. If he has not left you, and he hasn't admitted to not having feelings for you anymore, then he probably does still love you, but there are some other things getting in the way that are confusing him.

One very common reason that husbands seem to stop displaying love to their wives is because the wife shifts her attention from him to the children. This is normal of course and you should put your kids as top priority. But if you've been paying very little to no attention to your husband, he may start to feel unappreciated and he could even feel a little resentment toward the children. While you would hope that is not the case, it is not uncommon, especially if the situation has become a permanent mother-tending-to-her-kids-all-the-time one. In early childhood, this is more understandable, but as children grow up, some of your attention should shift back over to your husband.

If your husband treats you with no admiration or respect, first take a look at how you are treating him. Whether he started this behavior or you did, you need to be the one to change it. Start complimenting him for the things he does do. And avoid badgering him for the things he doesn't. If all goes well, he will start to mirror your actions so just give it time. In the meantime, instead of focusing on him all the time (for better or for worse), try focusing on yourself. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and not just the kids and your husband. The better you feel about yourself, the more attractive you will be to others, including your husband.

Your wish of "I want my husband to love me again" can be granted if you just take that advice into consideration.

Will My Husband Ever Love Me Again

Will my husband ever love me again? Many lonely wives and ex-wives ask themselves this question at some point in or after their marriage. Whether you're just growing apart, in the process of breaking up, or have already done so, there are ways that you can restore your lost love.

Perhaps even more common of a question is "will my husband ever love me again in the way that he used to?" Before we talk about the things that have helped other women get their husband's love back and may help you get yours too, let's discuss the things that you may be doing that will NOT win back his feelings for you. Remember to keep this truth in mind: men are more attracted to women that make them feel confident, funny, and interesting than they are to women that make them feel mad, fearful, or jealous. The kind of attention you are trying to elicit from your husband is on the positive side of the spectrum. Negative attention will most likely only end up in him pushing you further away.

Sort of along those same lines, you want to create a positive image of yourself as well. You don't want to appear needy, clingy, desperate, high-maintenance, or bossy. While this type of behavior will definitely get some sort of reaction from your husband, it might not be the reaction that is going to bring you closer together in the long-run.

What you want to do is create the right environment so that he can fall back in love with you, if in fact he really has fallen out of love, or just to remind him of how much he loves you if that's what's needed. In order to do this, you may need to revisit why he fell in love with you in the first place. Part of this will surely be your physical appearance.

If you've let that go over the years due to a variety of reasons, start working on it again. Make sure you are eating the right foods, exercising a little bit when possible (this is also extremely good for reducing stress), and getting enough sleep. Is one reason that he fell in love with you your sense of humor? Can you still laugh at things or have you lost a little bit of this quality throughout the years? Or maybe you've changed quite a bit and your husband doesn't recognize this person. In this case, you need to also evaluate the positive sides to your change and focus on those. Hopefully your shift has not only been towards more negative characterisics.

There's no reason that you cannot take a look at your situation from an objective point of view and analyze what is going on. The change in your husband (and in yourself) has happened over time. It didn't just happen overnight. You already know what your husband loves (or loved) about you. Make sure that you are showing him that on a regular basis if it is still a part of you. This is the first step in the answer to your question of "Will my husband ever love me again?"
Can I Make My Boyfriend Love Me Again

Many women ask themselves "Can I make my boyfriend love me again?" at some stage in the relationship. The feeling or the knowledge that they don't love you anymore can be while you are still in the relationship or after it is officially over, but either way, it can leave you feeling lost and desperate for those feelings you once shared.

All the events that lead up to you asking yourself "How can I make my boyfriend love me again?" are different for everyone. Some women have wronged their boyfriends and now they want to make amends. Some women don't know what happened and feel that all the problems just seemed to appear out of nowhere.

While it may be more obvious in some cases than in others, it is almost guaranteed that both partners played a role; in what you now feel to be a loss of love on his side. And while you cannot actually "make" or force your boyfriend to have feelings for you again, there are things that you can control which may allow him to bring these feelings back on his own.

The first step in getting your boyfriend back is to let him go, if you haven't already or if he hasn't already made the break. If he's told you how he feels and you've been begging or pleading him or promising him that you'll change or any of that kind of behavior, it is only hurting your chances of him loving you again. Let him go!

Give him the space he needs. If he has already left, just make sure that you keep your distance and avoid any contact if at all possible. You need this time to clear your head and get yourself back. Stop worrying about what you cannot control--his feelings--and start worrying about what you can--your own.

Once you've established the distance you need, start focusing on yourself. First of all, it's very important that you take care of your physical self. If you've been drinking or smoking too much or just going out all the time to try to take your mind off of your problems; you need to get this part under control. Start using your time to cook well-balanced meals. Stay away from the junk food and too much caffeine.

You also need to be getting your beauty rest. Sleep is extremely important to your well-being. A well-rested person feels more relaxed, eats less, and looks better than someone who isn't sleeping enough. Well-rested people are more able to accomplish what they set out to do during the day. And being well-rested fights off depression as well.

If you can, get a little exercise in. Try to incorporate this into your daily life. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, for example. You also want to get involved in some social activities like groups, or volunteer causes, or just going out with your friends every once in a while. All of these things contribute to a healthier, more attractive you. This is the first step in the answer of how to "make my boyfriend love me again?"
5 Reasons To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

When you break up with someone, you are removing that person from your life. Even if you have an amicable break up and plan to stay in touch with your ex, you are still removing that person from the relationship aspect of your life. For some, this is a positive thing to do. For others, this can actually be detrimental to the welfare of their lives.

Some find that they need to get their ex girlfriend back into their lives to truly be happy. They realize that they were better off with that person, and need to win them back. If you are debating the merits of your last relationship, consider these five reasons to get your ex girlfriend back. You may realize that you need them more than you think you do.

You Make her Happy

Did you make your ex girlfriend happy? Was she happy when she was with you? When you manage to make someone else happy, you will find happiness for yourself. If you truly made the person that you were with happy, you should consider getting back together with them.

She Makes You Happy

Did your ex girlfriend make you happy? If you have found someone who makes you happy, you should want to hang onto that person. It is important to have these kinds of people in your life, as they will improve your overall mood as you go through the motions of life.

You have Similar Morals and Goals

It can be incredibly difficult to find someone that has the same morals and goals as you. In life, you need to find someone with these similar characteristics if you want to truly find the best relationship possible. When you have found someone with similar morals and goals as you, you need to work to get them back. If you have found someone with the same beliefs as you, you have found someone that you can truly connect with and be happy with.

You Help Each Other Grow

No one is going to be perfect. Relationships are all about growing, both together and individually. If you have found someone that helps you to grow in your relationship, and as an individual, you should not let them go. If your ex girlfriend helped you to grow, you need to work to get her back into your life.

You Have Children

If you have children with your ex girlfriend, you may want to consider getting back together with her. While it is not necessary, it is incredibly helpful for your children.

If you realize that you are better off with someone in your life, rather than out of your life, do not hesitate to bring them back in. Work to get your ex girlfriend back so that you can thoroughly enjoy your life.
7 Tips For Getting Back Together After A Break Up

There are many people that try to get back together with their ex after they go through a break up. They realize that they did not want to actually break up with their significant other, and they want to rectify the situation.

Unfortunately, many fail to understand how to actually get back together with an ex. These seven tips for getting back together after a break up will help you to make all of the right moves, and will help you to get back together with your ex.

Limit your Texting and Calling

If you are trying to get back together with someone after a break up, you need to make sure that you limit your texts and calls to that person. While it is important to keep in contact with the person, it is also important to note appear desperate. The more you call and text, the more desperate you may seem.

Go Out with Friends

If you are trying to get back together with your ex, you want to make sure that you continue on with your life. Enjoy time with friends and family. When you spend time with those you care about, you will be in a better mood. A good mood is contagious, and could spread to your ex.

Make a Romantic Gesture

A single romantic gesture can be the one thing that you need to get back together with your ex. This romantic gesture will show them that you are thinking about them, and that you are willing to go the extra mile to get back together with them.

Give Them Space

It can be difficult to do, but giving space to the person that you are trying to get back together with is the most important thing to do. You need to make sure that you give your ex time to think, and time to miss you. If you are constantly trying to talk to them, they may feel as if they do not have the space to consider getting back together with you.

Talk to Mutual Friends

Talk to mutual friends about your situation. They may know more about the thoughts and feeling about your ex than you do, and they may put in a good word for you the next time they talk to your ex.

Ask for a Date

When you feel comfortable, you need to ask your ex out on a date. Taking your ex out on a romantic and thoughtful date will give you the best chance possible at a reconciliation.

Be Patient and Slow

It is important for you to take this entire process slow. If you try to push too hard, you may push your ex away. Allow for time to play itÕs part as you work to get back together with your ex after you have broken up.

At first, you may find it difficult to follow all of these different tips. Some of these tips will go against the emotions you may feel during the process. This self-control and self restraint will help you to improve your chances of getting back together after a break up.

Will She Love Me Again

Will She Love Me Again

Will she love me again? This is a question that pops up over and over again in the minds of men who are in a loveless relationship or who have just lost the woman they love. Whatever the situation, this can leave you feeling lost, depressed or hopeless. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are many who've been able to answer "yes" the question of "will she love me again?" and you may be able to do it as well.

Your first step involves thoroughly accessing the situation. Understand the point you are at in the relationship or the end of the relationship. Has your wife told you that she doesn't love you anymore, or do you just feel that way? Has your wife even gone so far as to say that she never wants to see you again? There is a big difference between her not loving you and her hating you (if that is the case). You need to understand the real situation before you can proceed in remedying it.

But, in most cases, before you can go on, you'll need to allow her the space she needs. Even if she hasn't told you that she doesn't love you anymore, her behavior has lead you to question her love. So, rather than pestering her or constantly bringing it up, let her have the time to figure it out.

Obviously, if she has told you to leave her alone, then you know you should be giving her space anyway. At this point, you should clear her from your mind. Stop putting all the focus on how to get her back. Dwelling or obsessing on it is not going to do anything.

Now you need to keep yourself busy with other things, mainly yourself. In this extra time that you now have, start doing some things that you enjoy but never had time to do before (or maybe she didn't like or agree with these things). Also, make sure that you are taking good care of yourself. This will serve when your "distance time" is up and you are ready to approach her again.

You want to transform yourself into an attractive, self-confident, loving, strong person. This means eating the right kinds of foods (and shedding those extra pounds), not drinking too much or giving into some kind of behavior that shows her you've fallen apart without her, getting enough sleep and having some fun. This time off serves both you and her.

It gives her the time she needs to think and to actually see if she misses you when you aren't there, and it gives you the chance to prove to yourself that you can do just fine without her. It might feel like the world is about to end in the beginning, but you'll soon find that you no longer feel that way. This will put you in a good position when and if you decide to go back and try once again with her. And then you too can answer "yes" to the question of "Will she love me again?"

How To Make My Ex Love Me Again

How To Make My Ex Love Me Again

If you've been asking yourself "how to make my ex love me again?", the answer is that you can't really "make" him change his feelings by forcing, pleading or threatening him. You cannot control the mind or body of another person no matter how hard you try. And, if you've been trying too hard, your efforts could actually backfire on you. But there are actions that you can take which can make him change his mind all by himself.

Just the question "how to make my ex love me again?" can tell you a lot about your current situation. You probably feel scared, sad, and desperate about the loss of love from your ex and feel like you must have it back. So, you've focused on that and put all of your efforts towards him. Well, it's time to divert your focus if you want to have any chance of getting your ex back in your arms. Where do you need to put the focus? Try on yourself for a change.

It's understandable and common that when you feel your loved on pulling away, you grab on as tight as you can and try to control him back to the way you want him. But this will only drive him further away and leave you with a wounded self-image which in turn makes you appear less attractive to him--the opposite of what your goal is. So, the first step is to let your ex go.

Yes, let him go. This is not meant to be permanent but you must make this an unwavering commitment in your mind. If possible, avoid all contact. If this is not possible due to certain circumstances, just keep your contact as brief as possible.

Now, that he is out of his number one spot in your mind, put yourself there. This means treating yourself as the number one in your life now. Make sure you eat right (lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy), exercise, and, just as important, get enough sleep. Sleep keeps your nerves at bay, rejuvenates your body, helps keep weight off, and makes you look rested; while not getting enough sleep can leave you frazzled and haggard-looking.

Get involved in an activity or group that you enjoy. Go out with friends and family and also just take time for yourself by yourself. Read or go for a walk. If you really like your job, throw yourself into that. Or take a vacation or go on a shopping spree. Your relationship troubles may have caused you to forget about the things that lift your spirits. Now is the time to remember them.

This may take some getting used to at first, but sooner or later, you'll find that you like this way of living, you'll feel better about yourself, and you'll be more attractive to others. At this point, decide if you are ready to contact your ex again. Don't rush it. Wait until you are ready. And when you are, you'll be ready to tackle the situation from a whole new, more confident, and stronger perspective. This is the way to start with "how to make my ex love me again?"

How Can I Get A Date With My Ex - Without Blowing It

How Can I Get A Date With My Ex - Without Blowing It

It can be incredibly difficult to get a date with your ex wife. While you and your former wife may still be friends, it will be hard to get them to make the leap to consider another romantic relationship with you. If you are asking yourself, "how can I get a date with my ex wife", follow these four steps. These steps will help you to make all of the right moves, and will help to increase your chance of success.

Mark Out a Plan

If you want to get a date with your ex wife, you need to have a plan of action. You need to make sure that you know exactly what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it. This step helps in two completely different ways. In one sense, it will help to keep you on track. It will help to guide your emotions as you deal with the emotional toll of trying to win back and ex wife. In the other sense, this step will help to give you confidence as you attempt to win your ex wife back. When you have a plan, you will be more confident in your chances. Remember, confidence will breed success.

Contact Without Questions

You need to make sure that you have actual regular communication with your ex wife before you ask her out on a date. If you ask your ex wife on a date without regular communication, you may be more likely to be denied. Be sure to continue communication before you actually ask the question.

Ask Politely

When you finally ask your ex wife on a date, you need to do so in a polite and respectful manner. If she initially refuses to do so, you should still keep a polite and respectful tone. This level of class may cause her to reconsider her decision if she does turn down your offer.

Let Her Call the Shots

If your ex wife does agree to a date, you need to follow through on the final step of the plan and allow her to call the shots. Let her pick the date, time, and location of the date. She may be more willing to go on the date if she knows that she has completely control over the situation.

You need to make sure that you create a plan and stick to that plan. This plan, which will include your other three steps, will help to keep you on the right path. If you fail to follow these steps, you will severely hurt your chances of getting your ex wife back. If you want to know how can I get a date with my ex wife, stick to your plan so you don't blow it.
Getting Back Together After A Long Time - 4 Things You Should Do

It can be difficult to get an ex off of your mind. Eventually, you may realize that you never wanted to be separated from them, and that you want to get back together with them. If you are working on getting back together after a long time apart, you need to make sure that you make all of the right moves.

These four separate tips will help you to connect with your ex, and will give you the best possible chance of a reconciliation. While these tips are not guaranteed to work, they will put you on the only path to success.

Get to Know Them Again

If you want to get back together with someone that you have not been with for a long period of time, you need to get to know them again. You need to take the time to get to know who they are. Get to know what they have been through, and who they have become since you separated. Never assume that they are exactly the same, as this will kill any chance you may have at getting back together with them.

Take Them Out on a Date

When you feel as if you know who they are, and who they have become, you need to take them out on a date. You should take them out on a romantic date, and act as if it was a first date. This romantic gesture will help to show your ex that you are serious about getting back together.

Give them Space and Time

If you are trying to get back together with someone that you have not been with for a long time, you need to make sure that you give them space and time. These two things are crucial, and can make or break the entire process.

The person will need space, as they need to concentrate on their own thoughts and feelings during this time. If they are constantly around you, they may not be able to figure out their own emotions. The person will also need time, as they will be making a big decision. If you try to rush their decision, they may give you the cold shoulder and may not give you the chance that you are looking for.

Be Romantic and Thoughtful

Finally, you need to make sure that you are romantic and thoughtful as you try to get back together with someone that you have not been dating for a long time. Romantic and thoughtful gestures are the best way to show someone how you truly feel.Take all of these tips into serious consideration, and make them a part of your overall plan. These four separate tips, when used together, will show your ex that you do care about them, and that you are taking their feelings into consideration. This will give you the best chance at getting back together after a long time apart.

Want A Happy Marriage - Search For The Glue That Will Hold You Together

Want A Happy Marriage - Search For The Glue That Will Hold You Together

If you want a happy marriage, search for the glue that will bind you together. That is advice given through the generations and like a lot of comments from older people, it is worth listening to.

Every relationship is different, as unique as the two people involved in it. Your mutual attraction, shared memories and lifestyle will help to keep you together and prevent you becoming yet another statistic. But you cannot afford to just sit back and assume that you will always be happy. Happy marriages take work. Couples need to realize that they must spend time on their relationship as well as time apart in order to stand the best chance of staying together.

People often make the mistake of putting their kids first all the time. While your children are important, the relationship between you their parents is equally so. What better example can you set your children than to have them growing up in a home where everyone is valued and their contribution to family life is appreciated. You want your kids to grow up knowing how to treat other people properly. They learn from example so be sure that the example you are giving them is the one you want them to follow.

In a happy relationship both parties know that the other person will always be there for them. This doesn't mean that they will always take their side in an argument but that they will not be abusive or disparaging or disrespectful. You need to develop good listening skills - God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. You need to learn to really listen to your partner and try to appreciate what they are saying to you. Poor communication does not result in you celebrating forty or fifty years of married bliss.

Spend time together - this seems like an obvious one but if you look back over the last month how much time have you two actually spent alone together. Staring at the TV screen every evening doesn't count. If you have to put a time in the diary but make sure that you spend at least one evening every two weeks together enjoying quality time.

If your intimate relationship needs some work, don't ignore it. Mutual attraction and lust played a huge part in you getting together in the first place. It is completely natural for the overwhelming urge to jump on each other to wear off but you should still find each other attractive. The good news is that the more you make love, the more your body will want it. Making love releases feel good chemicals and thus your body craves these good feelings. Even if you have to make a huge effort to get into the mood try and soon you may just find that it doesn't take that much effort anymore!

Finding the right partner to spend the rest of your life with is difficult but it is easy compared to keeping your marriage on the right track. Don't put your head in the sand. Read books like the Magic of Making Up and apply some of their teachings. You want a happy marriage? Search and apply the techniques that work for other people and you can be as happy as you wish.

Have Fun - Do A Marriage Quiz Today

Have Fun - Do A Marriage Quiz Today

If you want some light entertainment one evening why not do a marriage quiz together? These tests are designed to be a bit of fun but sometimes they can be used for other purposes. Some people will use them to sort out the problems in their relationship which is rather unrealistic unless both of you have taken a truth drug. For example, if you are both in a loving mood then you will score highly on these tests as you will both be open to the suggestions that your partner is wonderful. However if he is less than Romeo in your eyes or she resembles your mother in law more than the wife you married, you can get all the wrong results. For example, they can be used to check compatibility, although one could argue that it is a bit late checking that when you are already married!

So you have been warned, what can start as a game can quickly turn into an argument if you have underlying issues already. So if you two have been fighting a lot lately perhaps this is not the type of fun you should engage in. But that being said, they can be a useful way to open up a discussion particularly if you find it difficult to talk about your problems. You may find that the quiz opens up some doors to better communication between you. If you want to start talking about a difficult topic you might want to introduce a quiz as an idea for an activity that both of you can do together when the kids have gone to bed. Just be careful as these things can spiral out of control very quickly if either partner takes offence easily.

Where can you find these marriage quizzes? They regularly appear in magazines and are also available online. But if you are having problems in your relationship this is the not the way to resolve them. You need to get some help whether you try a relationship counseling service or some self help books and courses. If you are not sure where to start you could try the Magic Of Making Up which helps to develop proper communication between spouses and partners. Sometimes it can seem like men and women are from two different planets. They often want the same things but are not sure how to put this into words.

Every couple have days where they argue constantly and appear to have lost all love for one another. It is only when these days outnumber the good ones that you need to be concerned. A marriage quiz is meant as a bit of fun and we all need some fun and light entertainment in our lives particularly if we are going through stressful times. One of the best ways of keeping your relationship alive is to laugh together. Try renting an old funny movie or doing a quiz. Whatever works for you.

Is My Marriage In Trouble

Is My Marriage In Trouble

If you are asking yourself the question is my marriage in trouble then it could appear that the answer is yes but this doesn't mean that it is. It might not be in grave danger of heading to the divorce courts but you are obviously not happy in the relationship if you are thinking this way. This maybe because there are issues between yourself and your partner or it may just be your perception of how things are. You could be feeling unfulfilled and lonely.

Whatever the reason for your feelings you need to get to the bottom of them or your marriage will be affected. It is not possible to have a happy relationship when one or both partners are feeling isolated, unloved or confused. It is not your partner's responsibility to solve your problems, emotional or otherwise for you, but it does help when they are supportive and understanding.

You may be feeling down because your diet is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. For example, women of childbearing age need plenty of Vitamin B in their diets as otherwise their hormones can cause them problems. They can suffer from restless sleeping as well as mood swings and depression. Often you don't get sufficient vitamin B from natural resources so you may need a course of vitamin tablets to get you back on an even keel. Speak to your doctor if you are finding it difficult to sleep, are tired all the time or having difficulty shedding excess weight. You may have an underlying medical condition such as a thyroid problem and so need medical treatment. Men can be affected too.

Your worries may highlight a problem in your relationship. Have you tried talking to your partner about your feelings? It is not the easiest thing to do but once you take the first step you may find that you start to feel better. Communication is not a skill we learn in school or college. It is one of those things that people just assume we learn as we are growing up. Some people are natural communicators but most of us struggle to put our feelings into words particularly when talking to the person who means more to us than anyone else.

In the book The Magic Of Making Up, the writer discusses the problems that communication issues between couples cause. Most marriages end due to bad communication rather than an affair or abuse. And the really sad bit is that a significant number of break ups could have been avoided if one or both partners asked for help.

So don't sit and wallow in your feelings. Talk to your partner today. Find some quiet time together and tell them how you are feeling and ask them how they feel about things and take it from there. You may find a little bit of good communication and some time together will help to resolve your worries and you will no longer be asking is my marriage in trouble.

Marriage Seminars - Are They Worth It

Marriage Seminars - Are They Worth It

Marriage seminars are becoming very popular with a variety of people and you may have thought about attending one yourself. In certain parts of the world you cannot have a church wedding without first attending a marriage seminar. The idea is that by going to one of these courses, the couple get a chance to explore the various issues that they may face during married life. The person leading the seminar will show them how to explore their different responses and how best to communicate with each other.

Do these courses work? That is actually hard to quantify as it is difficult to measure the success rate. If a couple attends a relationship seminar and decides not to get married you don't keep any statistics on them. If after attending the seminar they go ahead and get married and perhaps divorce in five years time, the statistics are already skewed. Some couples do benefit but some just attend as it is mandatory and they won't be allowed have their big day in the Church without having a certificate to prove they were there.

The other form of marriage seminar is the one organized for those that are already married. These seminars run all over the country. There are a variety available. For example, you can attend a Christian seminar or one designed for another religion. Some seminars have no religious bias at all. The idea is to give couples an open platform in a neutral setting to discuss issues that may be preventing them from connecting properly. Do these types of courses work? Well yes for some people but it really depends on what type of couple you are and what your problems are. If you are very private and don't like discussing issues in front of other people you are unlikely to find that this type of event will help you.

You would probably benefit from one to one marriage counseling instead. What can work for everyone is some education into how relationships work and how to fix those that are not working properly. A great book for anyone to read and implement is the Magic of Making Up. As the title suggests it is aimed at those who are having problems and want to resolve them. If you have a read of the testimonials you will see how many people credit it with giving them back their happy relationships. Even if you haven't reached the point of breakup you can benefit from reading and applying the knowledge that you learn from books like these.

We can all benefit from better communication skills. It is just a pity that it takes a crisis or thoughts of a marriage seminar for us to realize that we need help and soon. Don't take your relationship for granted. It needs care and attention in order to flourish. But when it does you will be so much happier.