How Do I Get My Ex Back After A Breakup
After a break up it's not uncommon to ask yourself "how do I get my ex back after a breakup?" It's a fair question and one that shows you still have feelings for them. However, the question also comes with a healthy dose of uncertainty. The good news is that there are some things you can do to have a better idea of your chances of getting back together.
It all comes down to communication. You need to be talking to each other to get an idea of how things are going. With that in mind, here a few ways to use communication to your advantage.
Flirt a little! The purpose of doing this is not to tease him, it's to see if he returns the flirting. If you want to know how your question of "how do I get my ex back?" is being answered, then this is a great place to start.
When talking, be sure to maintain eye contact. At the same time, see how well he keeps eye contact with you. Also, be sure to see if there is any kind of pattern to when he breaks eye contact. For example, if he looks away any time you mention your prior relationship together, then that's probably a bad sign.
If your ex happens to be the one initiating contact, even if it's under the guise of small talk, then that shows that he's interested in talking to you. As long as he is willing to talk, there is hope for getting back together.
See how they react whenever you mention your breakup, or see if they mention it in the first place. The next step is to listen to what words they choose when talking about it. Even if they are seemingly remorseful or claiming to be sorry about it, the actual words they use can be a better indicator of their true feelings.
Don't try to make him jealous, but feel free to drop hints that you are ready and willing to explore other options. Again, note how he responds to this. You have to be subtle when doing this, otherwise he will get the idea that it is permanently over, and that he can move on, too.
Do something that may draw a compliment from him, and see if he takes the bait. For example, a new outfit or a new hairdo. If he wouldn't have commented on such things when you were together, but he does now, you can take that as a positive hint of getting back together in the near future.
And now, saving the best for last. So far we have been talking about verbal communication, but there is one other aspect that is worth being on the alert for, and that's being physical. Easy! That doesn't mean anything overt. Instead, when you're talking pay attention to "accidental" brushes against your arm, touches on your hands, or even a playful elbow.
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